Padron & Teo
Today was a strange day. Ana had to go to Vigo to teach and we needed to get back on the Path. So we road with her south as far as Caldis de Reis and started walking again. However, I started to get an visual aura that preceeds a migraine headache. I took some IBU but it just got worse. There were big spots in my vision and I couldn't see where I was going. So Eric got us on a bus and got us to the Albergue and got the handicapped room in the Albergue and got me lying down ASAP. So nice! After hrs. of lying in the dark, I felt a little better.
Here is one of the shuttered windows in our room that shows the thickness of the stone walls.

We went out in the evening air in Padron.

Padron used to be the burrial place of St. James before his remains were moved to Santiago. We walked the narrow winding streets, which is one of my favorite things to do, as the dimly lit city was easy on my eyes. The albergue was right next to a convent. We attended mass in a beautiful church next to the albergue. Eric translated mass for me.

Evidently the words are very repetitive. The mass was said in Spanish. The Priest was a little gruff with us. He only had six people at his mass in a huge ornate building.

I'm beginning to recognize the difference between Barogue, Romanesque, modern etc. Baroque is said to be decorated to evoke emotion. Lots of gold and chrubs and chandiliers etc.
One parishioner told us that the longer you look at this statue of Mary, the more real she seems. It's true!

Then we went to another church, the Church of Gilmerez built in 1456 as the Santiago of Padron. We did get to see the Roman anchor stone that St. James boat was moored to.

After a good nights sleep, we were ready to go again. We figure that we have extra miles walked since we started in Romagarias, so we aren't going to worry about it.
On to Teo!
Here is one of the shuttered windows in our room that shows the thickness of the stone walls.
We went out in the evening air in Padron.
Padron used to be the burrial place of St. James before his remains were moved to Santiago. We walked the narrow winding streets, which is one of my favorite things to do, as the dimly lit city was easy on my eyes. The albergue was right next to a convent. We attended mass in a beautiful church next to the albergue. Eric translated mass for me.
Evidently the words are very repetitive. The mass was said in Spanish. The Priest was a little gruff with us. He only had six people at his mass in a huge ornate building.
I'm beginning to recognize the difference between Barogue, Romanesque, modern etc. Baroque is said to be decorated to evoke emotion. Lots of gold and chrubs and chandiliers etc.
One parishioner told us that the longer you look at this statue of Mary, the more real she seems. It's true!
Then we went to another church, the Church of Gilmerez built in 1456 as the Santiago of Padron. We did get to see the Roman anchor stone that St. James boat was moored to.
After a good nights sleep, we were ready to go again. We figure that we have extra miles walked since we started in Romagarias, so we aren't going to worry about it.
On to Teo!
Teo is a small village, and our last town before Santiago. When we got there the albergue wasn't open yet. So Eric let me sit in a park while he made the trek up the hill to get the key. He let us in and my head hit the bed and I was gone. Eric said that there were some noisy Portuguese, but they came after I went to sleep and left before I awoke, so I never knew they were there.
Today I was determined to finish this walk. So, we got up and headed out without much looking around. The goal is in sight. Push on! Only 12kl. to go.
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