We walked over a Roman bridge where the Galicians held back Napoleon's army and would not let the NW of Spain be taken.
Our first stop was to talk to Aveline's School. is the director of the school at Arcade and the husband of Beatriz.
We spoke with 12 yr. olds. We showed them our children and left the picture of the Tree with the face to match the tree they had made in the entry.
I think Eric took the picture in your neighborhood, Ani! They also kept the picture of Portland. We had cocoa and cookies with the teachers in their lounge. It is very interesting to talk to them also. It was fun. I like talking at schools. Our next stop is Ponteverdra. So I suggested that Eric ask Beatriz and see if she knows of anyone in Ponteverdra who teaches and would like to have us talk to their class.
Beatriz found one and we are going to be picked up at the albergue in the morning and taken to the school in Pontevedra. We will walk there this afternoon.
We will speak with more students there. It will be fun. I'm really looking forward to it. The children are so unguarded. They may ask anything, we never know. We always show them pictures and tell them about our family because we have such an interesting family and we love them so much. We always let the classes or perhaps the teachers too chose a picture to keep and we write our email on the back of the picture and make them promise to write to us. They give us their email too. It will be great fun to have lots of new email friends.
On the Camino Path I found a beautiful rock with Mica in it.
I also found lots of thin pieces of Mica. The Path sparkles with it. It is like stars have come down to kiss our feet. I need to protect the Mica we have found because it is very fragile and crumbles easily. I want to have at least a bottle of Mica from the Path since I have, (with much restraint) resisded carrying dirt with us as we go. Although I do have pieces of broken Portuguase tile found on the way to make a stepping stone when we get home. There isn't mush tile to be found on the ground or on the buildings of Spain. All stone. So that lightens our load.
We talked to a lady whose house is right on the Camino. She said she was 79 yrs. old. She waited for us on the Path.
We took pictures with three groups of fellow pilgrims we have visited with along the way today. It was very beautiful along the Path today. There were large stones with running water among them. I found my rock on a wrong turn up by a rushing river.
We had good sunny weather all day. I was very tired by the end though. I have walked up steeply and down steeply. Each takes a different set of muscles. So we were draging by the time we found the albergue.
We finally saw a group of young adults we had met on the way. They were going to buy food. I gave them money and asked them to buy me four things. When they came back, they had bought me a frozen Pizza as a surprise! I had told them while we were walking that Pizza was my favorite food. Funny! I slept 10 hrs. like a log and ate the Pizza for breakfast.
On to Barro
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